Diabetes is a chronic health condition in which the body is unable to regulate the sugar levels in your stream. Diabetes increases the risk of developing other health complications associated with heart, eyesight, kidney, nerves, digestion and more. The prevalence of diabetes is globally on the rise and is one of the major health challenges in developed and developing countries. In recent times, people with diabetes have access to various sweeteners which when consumed in moderation, will not cause a significant spike in their blood sugar levels. A variety of natural, artificial, prebiotic, fruit based or sugar alcohols can be used to sweeten foods for people with diabetes. Fructooligosaccharides or FOS is a prebiotic sweetener obtained from plant sources. It is composed of sucrose molecules having one, two of three fructose molecules attached. FOS is a natural sweetener which is low in calories, low glycemic index and great taste.
World Statistics on diabetes
- The International Diabetes Federation, projections indicate that 1 in 8 individuals worldwide, will be living with diabetes by the year 2045
- Approximately 543 million people worldwide are living with diabetes today
- Approximately 240 million people living with diabetes are not even aware of their diagnosis.
- Poor lifestyle choices is the primary cause of Type 2 diabetes.
- Diabetes mortality rates vary by geographical, demographic, genetic and socio-economic factors, however, they have been steadily rising.
- Preventive measures, early diagnosis and proper care are needed for all types of diabetes to reduce its impact on the socio-economic conditions.
Comprehensive Diabetes Care
After receiving a diagnosis for diabetes, doctors advise a comprehensive care plan, that involves regulating blood sugar levels, consuming a healthy diet and starting with moderate exercise regime, in addition to suitable medication. Blood sugar monitoring and control plays an important role in the treatment of Diabetes. It helps in analysing the variations in blood glucose levels, observing patterns and prescribing diet, medication and overall treatment plan. People living with diabetes are advised to eliminate added sugar from their diet and this leads to various dietary restrictions. With sugar out of picture, one has to look for diabetic friendly sweeteners. Fructooligosaccharides is one such sweetener which is low in calories, has a lower glycemic index and has the added advantage of being a source of fibre and prebiotics. Let us understand how FOS becomes a healthier alternative to sugar for people living with diabetes -
Glycemic Index of FOS
The glycemic index (GI) is the measure of how quickly a food raises your blood sugar levels. Low GI foods avoid random sugar spikes and this greatly helps people living with diabetes. Random spikes in blood sugar levels reduce the insulin sensitivity and accelerates the damage caused by diabetes in other bodily functions. FOS is a low GI sweetener, it does not spike blood glucose levels since it is not digested in the intestine, instead it enters the colon and becomes food for the gut bacteria.
Prebiotic benefits for FOS
We already read about how FOS enters the colon to become food for the gut bacteria. These prebiotic properties of FOS, helps in improved gut function by maintaining healthy levels of probiotics in your body. A healthy gut helps in improving insulin sensitivity and metabolic markers. It subsequently helps in weight management, improved digestion and reducing inflammation. Studies have shown that a good probiotic balance can help control blood sugar levels and HB1AC levels. ==>
Fructooligosaccharides - Are they really a safe sugar substitute?
- FOS, unlike sucrose or glucose, does not spike blood sugar levels, making it suitable for both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes patients.
- FOS promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and a healthy gut helps improve the metabolic markers and insulin sensitivity.
- FOS is a low calorie sweetener and also a source of fibre. Food products sweetened with FOS help you cut down calories, add fibre to your diet and help in weight management.
While FOS is safe to consume and has various health benefits, it is important to consume FOS based products in moderation as overdoses can cause gastrointestinal discomfort. When choosing FOS based processed foods, one also needs to check for other ingredients to ensure the product is actually healthy and will not negatively impact their condition.
Quick Recommendations for people with Diabetes
- Moderation is key.
- Consult your healthcare professional.
- Choose good quality products
Functional foods for Blood Sugar Management with FOS
There is a growing interest in diabetic friendly food and beverages. People with Diabetes need better dietary flexibility to enjoy variety and while effectively regulating blood sugar levels. FOS being a soluble prebiotic fibre and a sweetener, is a functional ingredient which can contribute to both health and taste quotient of a product. FOS can be conveniently used in -
- Desserts
- Beverages
- Yoghurts
- Baked products
- Powder Premixes
- Supplements and more
One of the studies linked in the section below, explains the health and commercial advantages of using FOS in yoghurts.
Scientific Studies and Trials
- FOSLIFE® Short- Chain Fructo-oligosaccharides - A prebiotics symphony in yogurt formulation==>
Sweetness Intensity and Temporal Sweetness Profile of FOSLIFE®==>
Fruit Leather Reformulation with FOSLIFE® for Healthy Snacking ==>
The future of FOS
The consumer demand for health focused ingredients is ever increasing. FOS with its low GI, low calories, mild sweetness, fibre rich and prebiotic properties is poised to gain more attention and generate demand across food and supplement industry. Studies have been conducted to assess the impact of FOS in optimising manufacturing costs, product quality and the health benefits. FOS itself is manufactured using different techniques and from multiple plant sources. Our product FOSLIFE® is manufactured from cane sugar using a unique proprietary enzymatic process which helps in reducing the manufacturing time and makes it cost competitive.
A sweet summary
Diabetes is a chronic health condition and if not managed well, can lead to multiple health complications. Managing diabetes is a daunting task for the individual and their families too. With right choice of ingredients like FOS, low GI carbohydrates, plant proteins, plant extracts, healthy fats and more, diabetes and blood sugar management will become less about restrictions and more about making informed and healthy choices. Like any other dietary supplements, it is important to speak to your healthcare professional, check if the ingredient suits you and monitor the changes before making significant changes. Lastly, diabetic friendly ingredients are not just limited to sweeteners, a variety of high fibre, low GI and nutrient dense products are available which can help you create healthy and enjoyable meals.