Mucuna Beans Extracts

Contains natural precursor of dopamine
L-Dopa (NLT 15%)

Extracted from the seeds of
Mucuna pruriens


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How it Works

Neurological Health

High L-Dopa content makes it suitable for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Levodopa or L-Dopa is the precursor to dopamine. 

Mood Enhancement

L-Dopa increases Dopamine levels and regulates mood, feelings and emotional responses.

Libido and Vitality

Influences hormones linked with sexual health and desire. Helps alleviate stress and impacts emotional well-being.


Research has indicated that L-Dopa can enhance feelings of general well-being, motivation, drive and desire and help manage depression issues.

Grades We Offer

Mucuna Pruriens



Mucuna Extracts L-Dopa 15%


36 months

Grades We Offer

Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna Extracts L-Dopa 15%

Country of Origin : INDIA

Shelf Life : 36 months

A Love potion, potential Parkinson's remedy or an Itchy powder!

Plant Origin

Mucuna Pruriens are tropical legumes native to Africa and Asia and are commonly called as  Velvet beans or Cowitch or Kaunch in different cultures.The "mucuna" plant family consists of about 150 different legumes but Mucuna Pruriens has the highest medicinal value.

Bioactive Compounds

L-dopa (Levodopa) : Contains high levels of L-dopa which is a direct precursor to the neurotransmitted dopamine.

Proteins & Amino acids : A rich source of various amino acids and yet easy to digest.

Nicotine, Serotonin, Tryptamines : Stimulating and mood influencing compounds.

Beta-Carbolines : Potential cognitive function enhancers.

environmental sustainability management

Did You Know?

Ancient Ayurvedic texts, including the Charaka Samhita and the Sushruta Samhita, which are believed to have been written between 1500 and 500 BC, mention the use of Mucuna pruriens (known as "Kapikacchu" in Sanskrit) for its aphrodisiac and therapeutic properties.

A love potion!

Mucuna beans have been known to have aphrodisiac properties and some cultures believe them to improve male vitality, enhance mood and carnal desires. Although anecdotal, but these beliefs can be attributed to the high levels of Levodopa.

Punish or Prank!

The pods enclosing the beans are hairy and on coming in contact with skin they can cause severe itching. This itching caused by the pod's hair were used as a means of punishment is some cultures. Ever thought about using these pods to play a prank on your friends :D

The green pods and beans are boiled and eaten in Asian countries. In the western culture, these beans are used as a replacement to coffee and are roasted and ground to make coffee substitute.Mucuna Pruriens contain antinutrients like Tannins, Phytates and Lectins. These compounds may lead to digestive issues and inhibit nutrient absorption. Soaking, sprouting and cooking beans significantly reduces the levels of anti-nutrients.


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Product details

Mucuna extracts are derived from the seeds of the Mucuna pruriens plant, also known as velvet bean, cowitch, and several other names. This tropical legume is native to Africa and tropical Asia but can be found in various tropical regions around the world. The plant is notable for its high content of levodopa (L-DOPA), a precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is why it has garnered interest for its potential health benefits.

Clinically Tested


Country of Origin


Product Form


Shelf Life

24 months

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